WORKOUT 43 of 50 While traveling we stopped for gas and the cashier asked if we had seen the van Gogh painting. We are big fans of van Gogh and just about fell over thinking that a small town in Kansas had a van Gogh. We asked where it was and were pointed down I-70 to Goodland. Well, it was certainly a van Gogh. I pictured the cashier laughing at us as another dumb set of tourists. Kansas is the sunflower state so it was certainly appropriate and it was huge.
We filmed at the most unique place just south of Oakly, called Monument Rocks, the Chalk Pyramids. It had a special feeling to it and was truly out in the middle of nowhere. The sedimentary formations were formed 80 million years ago and are really a sight to behold if you are ever this way. It was super windy and a bit chilly for October. We had our boys and our dog was with us as well.
On our way out we stopped at Dorthy’s House, Land of Oz, and Coronado Museum. The museum was closed, but it was fun to walk around and see the Dorthy monument statue.
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