WORKOUT 50 of 50 This was a memorable place to film at Liberty State Park. Over 6 years ago we went on a road trip from the west coast to the east coast as a family. On the trip, we stopped at various monuments and sites and filmed about 6 workouts throughout the USA. It was at this time that the idea for the Step & Walk Across America Program was born. When we filmed here 6 years ago, we fell in love with the location, especially having the New York City skyline and the Statue of Liberty in the background.
We decided that this was the perfect location to end the entire program all across America. The second time we filmed here was shortly after all of the states reopened after the Covid lockdown. Tensions were high around us as the police came through with a megaphone and told everyone they needed to get out of the park at a specific early curfew. This day was also the funeral of Mr. George Floyd, which had taken place that morning. We ended up having to go back to this location two days in a row to get all of the footage we needed.
Start your journey through all 50 states right at home, with the Walk Across America Program!